My Life Journey

What a journey life can be.
We each have our own path.
And we each have our own journey.
There is no comparison.
We are exactly where we need to be for the growth that our souls need.
Endings and beginnings.
We must descend before we can ascend.
When I was a teenage girl, I was extremely insecure, and self conscious of my body. I grew into a woman very quickly and was sexualized as a teen. I sprouted fast, and did not understand the power of my body.
Then when I was 19 years old, I was in an emotionally draining relationship that left me with deep feelings of unworthiness. For months on end, I prayed to God every night to give me strength to leave. I cried and prayed until one night I received my answer.
My life then absolutely changed forever.
I met the Goddess and embodied the Deep and Sacred Feminine.
She filled up my being with the most profound feeling of love I have ever felt in my life!
I was never the same again.
For the next decade I was on fire!
I had a powerful awakening.
I was empowered!
My psychic abilities heightened.
My intuition soared.
I saw auras and chakras with my own eyes.
I had direct communication with my spirit guides.
I saw past lives in peoples faces.
It was like I was on a psychic train to heaven!
I then did my first of many sweat lodge ceremonies.
I received my Indigenous Spirit Name.
I travelled to India, Japan, Bali, Mexico, Cuba, Fiji, Australia, and Thailand.
I lived at a Buddhist Monastery for two months in Thailand.
I did Vipassana 3 times.
I studied Thai Massage with the Thai Nun who I lived beside.
I received my Reiki level one and two in Japan.
I studied Holistic Health at the Transformational Arts Centre.
AND I danced and shared my stories with others.
I was living the bohemian lifestyle and dream.
That was life in my 20's.
For the next decade I kept dancing and enjoying life, and although I was still very free, this decade was a bit more serious, with a few painful relationships, and a huge urge to find my purpose.
Life in my 30's was a decade of self reflection, love and action towards living my dreams.
I travelled to Spain, France, UK, Costa Rica, Hawaii, Bahamas and India.
I studied Flamenco at Ritmo Flamenco with Valerie Scannura.
I studied Journey Dance with Toni Bergins at The Kripalu Centre.
I studied the Chakras with Anodea Judith at The Kripalu Centre.
I studied more Thai Massage at the Thai Massage School of Toronto.
I studied Bellyfit International with Alice Bracegirdle.
I was teaching and leading Journey Dance classes, chakra workshops and Goddess Circles.
The Shakti Sadhana Oracle was also first seeded!
I still danced, travelled and shared my stories.
That was life in my 30's.
Now the next decade for me is almost over.
In 2021 I will be 50 years old.
And it is blowing my mind!
Yes... many wonderful things happened in my forties.
I was in the best physical shape of my life! (Even if it was for a short time!)
I studied 500 hrs of Yoga and Spiritual Arts with Anandashakti from Ananda Yoga.
I studied Classical Indian Dance at the Shakti School of Dance with Colleena Shakti. A dream come true!
I lived in Mexico.
I was initiated into the Danza de la Luna, Moondance ceremony.
I started and founded Love Not Fear INC.
I founded The Shakti Collective.
I became an Ambassador for the Fior di Loto Foundation.
I made a life where I travel to India and Mexico every year for my businesses.
I started to lead 3 weeks tours to India.
I led Goddess workshops again.
I met the most amazing life partner ever and we are still going strong!
And I sponsor and have an amazing teenage girl in India who is like my daughter and who calls me mom.
I travelled to India again many times, Mexico many times and went to Turkey, France, Germany and twice to teach yoga in Nicaragua.
I have so much to be grateful for!
But I must be honest. The 40's have been tough and not easy at all.
I was also in an emotionally abusive relationship with a narcissistic man.
My light and energy was completely drained.
I lost my home, my sacred space and my sanctuary.
I was homeless and living in various Airbnbs, couches, and one night in my car.
I felt deep loneliness.
And I truly met the dark night of my soul.
Then my body started to change.
I wasn't grounded.
I was tired.
I was getting older.
My hair was turning grey.
I gained tons of weight.
I was moody with extreme emotional swings.
My hormones were changing and raging.
No one told me how difficult aging could be.
Then I was broke.
Every cent I made went back into growing my business.
I got so busy that I stopped dancing.
I stopped sharing my stories.
I stopped feeling passion for life.
I stopped believing in myself.
And I went into a deep depression.
I was having a mid life crisis, with no home, no sacred space, no partner, no children, and I wasn't dancing, teaching, leading, or writing.
I felt completely lost and alone.
I had forgotten about the power of the Goddess while I was in my despair.
As I descended into my darkness, the Goddess held me again as I surrendered my pain. I asked her to show me the way, and she led me back to my soul.
The shadow is the place of our deepest healing.
Endings and Beginnings.
We must descend before we can ascend.
It is part of our life journey.
I would not be here on this path today without the grace of the Goddess and the Deep and Sacred Feminine.
She is showing me my power.
She is showing me grace and love
She is showing me that I am worthy.
She is teaching me to not be so hard on myself.
She is giving me strength and the courage to stand tall and roar.
My purpose is to help her rise in the hearts of others.
Today I am coming out of my shell and learning how to accept and love myself again as I enter this new phase of life.
I am learning how to surrender to this process of age.
The Deep and Sacred Feminine has always been there.
The frequency of the Deep and Sacred Feminine is aching to emerge.
She wants to touch us deeply and show us our true power through LOVE.
Our birthright is to embody her wisdom.
It requires deep patience to embody her, especially as we ride these collective waves.
We must descend, before we can ascend.
Do not get crippled by fear. This is where our deepest healing is.
Trust in our Mother. Our Beautiful and Sacred Divine Mother.
The Sacred Feminine is the portal to the Soul.
She is the path.
She is the way.
She is the gateway to our highest truth.
She is presence and direct embodied experience.
2020 was the portal to her resurrection.
This Great Awakening is happening now.
The Deep and Sacred Feminine is rising.
Are you ready to rise?