Welcome Sisters
What a journey it has been! Ever since I was a little girl I have always wondered, why am I here? This question has always inspired me to follow my passions and dreams. My heart and inner voice led me to so many adventures, that my dreams eventually all weaved together along the path where I am today. I just love helping women embody their feminine power, whether through wearing one of our beautiful dresses, our feminine jewelry or through The Embodied Feminine online programs, my mission is to inspire others through beauty, art, feminine embodiment and spiritual culture.
We are currently witnessing and experiencing a massive global awakening, and it truly is an incredible time if you can see the light and the grand design. The Goddess and Sacred Feminine is truly rising to lead us into Golden Age. She has returned to bring back balance to our world. It may seem as though everything is falling apart, but it is truly the time for humanity to rise.
Don’t ever stop doing the things that give you passion and joy! Your passions will truly lead you to your purpose and wildest dreams!
Thank you for being here and spreading the love 💗