The Shakti Box

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The Shakti Box

The Shakti Box is our first bi- yearly subscription box and we are excited to share it with you!

The Shakti Box is filled with everything you need to develop a deep and sacred meditation practice and to embody the power of the Goddess.

Shakti is the Sanskrit word for Feminine Power and Consciousness. 

There is a great shift happening, and for those that are hearing the call, the time is now to start or deepen your spiritual practice.

The Sacred Feminine is Rising!

We have been living in a very linear world with systems of control and oppression that is currently collapsing around us. It is the return of the Goddess, and our relationship to our body and soul. More than any other time in humanity, we are being called to align with our inner truth.

We have chosen to be here to be part of this great shift, but this awakening is not an outside event. This great awakening happens within. It is vital and important to have a daily and sacred meditation practice.

The time is now.

The Goddess is truly rising. 

The Shakti Box was inspired to help you begin your sacred practice.

My intention for this sacred box is to help you find more ways to incorporate conscious living in your day-to-day life, and by nurturing your relationship with yourself, your purpose and the power of the Deep and Sacred Feminine.

Although there are many beautiful products and tools to get you started, the main feature of the box is a sneak preview of The Shakti Sadhana Oracle which is launching Spring 2022.

The Shakti Box edition will feature 13 Master Shakti Cards with a 150 page guidebook filled with sacred practices, invocations and more. The 13 Master Shakti Cards consist of the thirteen Goddesses featured in the 54 card deck. The number thirteen aligns with the 13 moons we have each year. It is also an auspicious number of the Sacred Feminine. 

The thirteen Master Shakti Cards:

Six are from India and the Hindu and Vedic Pantheon, Lalita Tripura Sundari, Kali Ma, Ma Durga, Ma Lakshmi, Saraswati, and Maha Shakti, the Great Divine Mother and Feminine Power.

There are two Buddhist Shakti Cards, the Tibetan Buddhist Goddess Green Tara and the Chinese Buddhist Goddess Kuan Yin.

There is one Indigenous Goddess and Prophecy from the Lakota Sioux, White Buffalo Woman.

There is the Grandmother Moon Oracle, and there are two Egyptian Goddesses, Goddess Isis and Sekhmet.

We have one Christian Goddess who is not typically known as a Goddess, so let us call her a Priestess and she is Mary Magdalene.

The images and symbols on each of the cards reflect the vibrational field and power of each Goddess, and represents ancient wisdom, cosmic insight and will be used as tools for your practice.


The Shakti Box Includes:

Sacred Bath Dead Sea Salts- Ylang Ylang, Bergamont & Geranium
8 oz Coco Soy Candle with Jasmine & Cedarwood
Ceremonial Cacao from The Goddess Temple
Divine Sophia Anointment Elixir
Rudraksha Seed Mala Necklace
Kundalini Brass Bracelet 
Sacred Yoni Brass Earrings
Herbal Smudge Blend
We Are the Sacred Feminine Rising- Bestselling Book
The Shakti Sadhana Master Card Special Edition Deck with 13 Goddess Cards
150 page guidebook with mediations and sacred practices

BONUS Lalita Shakti eBook
BONUS Setting Intentions Sankapla eBook
BONUS The Embodied Feminine Ritual eBook

FREE ACCESS to The Embodied Feminine - 13 day Embodiment Temple Workshop

The Embodied Feminine -13 Day Embodiment Temple Workshop is a sacred space of Sisterhood. Learn how to work with the oracle and each Goddess to help you on your journey of transformation. 
Join our private portal for free and get free access to the program. The Embodied Feminine Online Temple is a private and safe container for women who are on the path of the Sacred Feminine. 

We can embody and tap into the power and wisdom of the Goddess through having a sacred spiritual practice, and by invoking her presence with intention, embodiment and meditation.

Please note: This is a sneak preview of the 54 card oracle deck only!

The full oracle will be launched Fall 2022!

Valued at over $450

Limited edition